Be A Blessing To Someone
I really love and appreciate Joyce Meyer and how God has been using her to touch people's lives all over the world.
I feel deeply and greatly encouraged by her every time I listen to one of her messages/sermons.
Her message "Enjoying Everyday Living" is particularly close to my heart because if I can't enjoy my today, what's the use of eternity?
In Joyce's/God's message today, she encourages us to do something for someone else.
Be a blessing to someone.
Her daily prayer to God is :
"Show me someone I can be a blessing to today.
Don't let this day end before I be a blessing to someone."
I feel I haven't lived my life in a very giving way.
I mean in some ways I have, but I'm aware of many times when I withhold/hold-back from making the extra effort/step to really be a blessing to another person's life.
I have excuses - I'm too busy, I've no time, I've no energy, it's inconvenient.
Convenience has been such a temptation in my life.
Convenience and Comfort.
I don't think God wants us to be inconvenienced or uncomfortable but I do think He wants us to look at the bigger picture and lean on him for His comfort and... maybe even His convenience.
Perhaps God's convenience is really His way of putting us on the path He has planned for us.
I'm choosing to trust Him more.
I've tried doing it alone, doing it by myself, leaning on my own understanding..
And it's always fallen short.
Just like how the man in Ephesians lamented about how his life or he feels that life has no meaning even though he has done and achieved and acquired so much, I have an idea of what he feels.
Not that acquiring or having or achieving things is bad.
It's a wonderful thing to have money, to have achieved success at work, to have the comforts in life..
But I think it's the mind, or at least my mind, that needs "appeasing"/comfort - the comfort of knowing that there's a bigger purpose for it all. Not just for the sake of having another bag, another pair of shoes, another holiday, another good meal.
Life experiences are great and they are also temporary and fleeting.
Memories.. I keep reminding people that "I will remember this... unless I get amnesia or dementia or something... I just can't guarantee I can remember something forever.."
So memories are nice-to-have and I'm too aware that good memories can turn into painful ones in an instant. So, I don't get super-excited about creating good memories..
I can be a little morbid and depressing but I'm making an effort to change that by leaning more into God, trusting His word and inviting the Holy Spirit to come into me so I can reflect more of his light, joy and hope.
I pray you will receive something good today.